
GloballyPort.com 上有进口到中国的公司的地址、电话号码和电子邮件地址!




联系我们了解向中国进口的公司、土耳其公司等。通过 GloballyPort.com,您可以联系从土耳其出口到中国的公司并购买物流和运输服务。


  • 酒精和非酒精饮料
  • 开心果
  • 香料和茶
  • 饼干
  • 榛子和产品
  • 谷物
  • 禽肉
  • 杏干
  • 葡萄干
  • 干无花果
  • 意大利面
  • 水果汁
  • 种子生长
  • 新鲜水果和蔬菜
  • 橄榄油
  • 糖果和巧克力产品
  • 黄金首饰
  • 打包
  • 鞋业
  • 钢铁、钢铁制品
  • 皮革及皮革制品业
  • 天然石材
  • 电机和电缆
  • 家纺
  • 造船业
  • 食品加工机械
  • 地毯行业
  • 准备穿
  • 化学的
  • 化妆品
  • 矿业
  • 家具
  • 汽车主供业
  • 泵和压缩机
  • 机械工具
  • 农业工具和机器
  • 纺织子行业
  • 纺织原料
  • 清洁剂
  • 制药和药房
  • 建筑材料

土耳其最常见的问题 美国贸易

  • 我可以从土耳其进口哪些产品?
  • 如何在土耳其找到最便宜的产品?
  • 哪些产品可以从土耳其购买?
  • 我可以进口到中国的产品
  • 土耳其出口产品
  • 从土耳其进口的产品

You can opt for Private Label production, which allows you to have products manufactured under your own brand

We offer special prices for your wholesale product requests. We guarantee the best prices for you

We prepare special offers based on your requests, ensuring they are secure, insured, and competitively priced.

We work with Incoterms. International payment and delivery terms are crucial, ensuring smooth transactions.

Our freight service is popular. We ensure reliable, guaranteed, and insured deliveries to your address with care.

We provide proposals within 12-24 hours to business partners preferring corporate communication.

Buy Now

If you would like to purchase immediately, please contact us. Please note that your email extension must be associated with a paid domain extension belonging to your company. If you do not have an email address associated with your company, we may not respond to your inquiry.